But first, who is the entertainer here? Get ready for this. A 17-year-old junior high school student. She is a Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro and her name is Mayara Tavares (we're going to go out on a limb here and say no relation to #1 NHL draft pick John Tavares). The girl was selected to attend a meeting of young people held in conjunction with the summit. Now--Barack and Nicolas must know they are on camera, so what are they thinking? Forget that she's only 17 years old. And I'm actually even willing to give Barack some leeway here, it was a quick reaction. Unacceptable, yet involuntary. Nicolas on the other hand is just blatantly eyeballing this girl in glee. Come on dude. Below is a video of the incident and it only gets worse for the French President. Alot worse...just watch. One other thing though--the G8 summit host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, was recently ditched by his wife because of a sex scandal. It just makes you wonder how much behind-the-scenes sex scandals and activities go on with our "high ranking" officials worldwide. I've got to think the reality is beyond belief. These people think they are above all morals and laws. Anyways, here's the video, which probably gives us just a glimpse into these people's lives:
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