My take is that this is Ovechkin clearly pulling out all the stops to try to get into the Rangers' heads. It isn't like he was taking mental notes on the bench on the Rangers lines, tendencies or plays. He made a premeditated move to go to the bench purely to give the Rangers something to think about. Unfortunately for him, I don't think it will have one bit of an effect on the game. All it shows is that the Rangers are indeed in Ovechkin's head, not vice versa. Case and point? Here:
Tortorella being asked about the incident: "Oh, God, I didn’t even know, this is the first I’ve heard of it. Ask me a question about the game, not that [bleep].”
Ovechkin being asked why he did it: “Just [to get] Tortorella pissed off.”
Ovechkin being asked why he was made to leave the bench: “Because they afraid of me.”
To me these are really odd comments by Ovechkin. It seems he's trying to motivate himself with the wrong reasons. I can see how some Rangers players may be slightly intimidated having Ovechkin's glare focused on them during a harmless practice, but we'll have to see tonight whether this has any type of impact on the Blueshirts. So get ready for the game tonight and leave work early if you have to. It should be a great atmosphere at The Garden and in the tri-state area overall. I do have one small bone to pick with the MSG staff. I am full throttle on the idea of handing out towels to fans in attendance for Game 4, but how in the world did you come to the conclusion to hand out thundersticks for Game 3? Those things are so lame. And many of the fans there are going to be embarrassed to have to lug those things around all night. Quite simply, they won't. Rangers fans don't need noise boosters, give me a break. Plus, how would the fans ever be able to carry beers in both hands along with the ridiculous thundersticks anyways. Come on MSG.
So true. The thunder sticks were lame.